Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Band Isn't Fun Anymore by Scott Lang

This is the clarion call of late September. Gone are the fun-filled days of band camp where team building and bonding activities were paramount and smiles were aplenty. The energy of new faces, new music, and new drill have been replaced with the drudgery of cleaning the opener while simultaneously trying to get the ballad on the field and memorize the closer. 
The repetition and drudgery associated with daily rehearsals are starting to take there toll, but the energy and enthusiasm associated with contests and competitions are a ways away.
Add to this homework, tests, jobs, and the other responsibilities associated with being a teenager, and your students might be right, band might not be fun anymore. Here 's a secret... It’s not supposed to be fun. You never said it would be fun. You said it would be memorable.

Except for the occasional trip to an amusement park, there is very little in my teenage life that was “fun” that I can remember. 

I am sure that going to the movies was fun, but I don’t remember what I saw. I am positive that going on dates was fun, but I can’t remember a single one of them, and trust me, there weren 't that many to remember. I would guess that going out to lunch with my friends was fun, but I don't remember where we went or what we ate. I 'm positive that hanging out with my friends on a Friday night was fun, but for the life of me, I can’t remember ever doing it. I don’t remember doing anything fun, but I remember band. 

Perhaps you should take just a minute and write down some of your favorite memories from band experience. You could even do this with your section to be reminded that even though the activity can be difficult, it is important to remember how special these times are.
I remember being so hot that I thought I was going to die, but running back to my spot anyway. I remember being so exhausted for early morning rehearsals, but crawling out of bed anyway. I remember being so sick of marching and playing the same three songs each and every day, but playing and marching them again anyway. I remember them like they were yesterday. I remember the good. I remember the bad, and the people I shared it with. I remember band.
Yes, band isn’t fun anymore. But then again, you never said it would be. You know what band is? Band is worthwhile. Band is life-changing. Band is working hard with the same people, fighting through the bad days, and celebrating the good ones together. Band is memorable. Band is family. Band is sleepless nights and never-ending days. That’s what band is.
And I remember it like it was yesterday!
Have a great week everyone. Work to do soemthing FUN for your section.
Have a great week!